Lowongan Kerja Recruitment Officer Terbaru Bulan Februari 2014 - Info Loker berikut ini adalah dari PT ALTRAK 1978 yang sedang membuka kesempatan bekerja untuk posisi Recruitment Officer. Bila anda berminat boleh simak info selengkapnya dibawah ini Lowongan Kerja Recruitment Officer Terbaru Bulan Februari 2014. Anda juga dapat melihat info loker lain nya seperti Loker PT Integrasi Solutions, Loker kota Serang atau Loker Accounting.
PT Altrak 1978 under the Central Cipta Murdaya (CCM) group today is one of the well established companies operating as an sole agent and foremost distributors of heavy equipment and vehicles for agricultural and industrial use in Indonesia, is seeking qualified candidates with the following criteria :
Recruitment Officer
PT Altrak 1978 under the Central Cipta Murdaya (CCM) group today is one of the well established companies operating as an sole agent and foremost distributors of heavy equipment and vehicles for agricultural and industrial use in Indonesia, is seeking qualified candidates with the following criteria :
Recruitment Officer
- Male/Female, age max. 28 years old
- Fresh graduate from Master degree Psychology
- Having a good experiences on conducting Psychological test and have knowledge of Competency Base Interview is a plus.
- Excellent knowledge in mass recruitment and assessment.
- Detail oriented with good analytical thinking
- Has good interpersonal relationship and communication skill
- Excellent computer literate (Ms Office, Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Willing to work in Bintaro
Confident applicants are invited to submit Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae, attached with recent photograph to : recruitment.adm@altrak1978.co.id
Demikian tadi Info Loker Februari 2014 yang dapat admin sampaikan semoga bermanfaat untuk anda. Bila anda mempunyai kegemaran memasak bisa juga lihat-lihat recep masakan Indonesia pada Resep Dapur Bunda.